Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Critics Can Kiss My A$$

I read this on another site. All I will say is...kiss my pert a$$!

I think what you wrote pretty much sums up Kylie Minogue! I think her 'work' (if only we could all have 'jobs' like Kylie's lol) is her main focus. She has been doing pretty much the same thing for over 20 years. Her look/image and music are slight variations of the same old thing. Doesn't she get bored with having to keep up with the Joneses? And having to have all that obvious cosmetic surgery to stay looking young must be painful and tedious.

I agree with you about retiring. If I had her wealth and long career I would retire and enjoy the rest of my life - away from the public eye. It seems to be her ego and greed (more $$$) that keeps her in the entertainment arena.

P.S. I remember reading an article where one of her ex's James (?) said that Kylie was basically friendless. That she was a bossy control freak, and only really cared about her fame/image/money. For some reason I believe him.


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